Monday, September 8, 2008


This will be the final chapter, our ride complete.
It was one of the greatest journeys and adventures
I have had. So many people to thank. We together
have shown some light on this world and saved
countless lives, for this Shannon and I are truly
grateful for each one of you that have followed along
and donated to our cause to save children's lives
through UNICEF

I am in the process of making a complete DVD of the ride
more enhanced than the blogs. If you would like to be notified
upon the completion then...

Send me an email through this website so I can notify
you when it is completed. It will take me between
6-12 months to complete. I am leaving the website up
for (1) year as you can always make an additional donation
if you would like. Think about a year end donation for your
tax purposes.

Thank you all

Ken and Shannon

PS. I wish it didn't have to end

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